Game Review: Not GTA V

You can view this review on steam.


I highly recommend this game… not for the replay-ablility aspect of it but the pure comedic aspect and the fact that all proceeds go to a charity, Peer Productions based in the UK. I only wish I hadn’t of bought this when it was on sale but maybe my gameplays can persuade others to help support NotGames and PeerProductions.

The Positives

Hand drawn graphics
The graphics are handdrawn which adds to the creativity of the game in my opinion.

Acapella Sound Effects
Along with hand drawn graphics are the home recorded sound effects.

Hilarious dialog
The dialog of this game is quite simply hilarious. This again adds to the creativity aspect


Control Response
Sometimes it feels like the controls don’t respond in time and I end up crashing. I was starting to wonder if the David Cameron level was mean to never end due to the paranoid delusion that the game was engineered to allow run cameron’s car into shit thus killing him.

Consider purchasing this game on steamĀ  if you want to help a good cause.

Gaming News: Fallout 4 Release Date (?)

Gopher on youtube has released a video with a prediction of when Fallout 4 is going to be released.

His reasons are very solid:

  1. Games with unknown dates are defaulted to the 12th or 31st of a month, not the 23rd.
  2. The timing just right for the Holiday season.
  3. Although the 23rd isn’t a tuesday, when most games are released, 23rd October is an important date in Fallout lore. The date is the day the Great War started and is, as Gopher puts it, The Birth of the Apocalypse.

Gopher does in fact say that it’s not an official date released by the company but it is indicated by the pre-order release date. He cautions that since it is not officially stated by Bethesda that you shouldn’t guarantee that date to stay.